Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sneak Peak

New cards will be available the website this week:Order them soon, before they're gone!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Train Has Left the Station

Up until May of this year I was painting wooden name trains. The train pieces are no longer available in my area, and I haven't been able to find them for sale online.

I sure loved painting them. Many color combos and many patterns.

Here are few of my many favorites:
For my sorority sister's little boy, Owen Patrick

This went to a lovely little lady in Alaska

One of my favorite color combos

Mason got a Packers themed train

Saturday, August 13, 2011


So, I bought these plastic crochet hooks on clearance for like $1.99 and this skein for like $2.95 to see if crochet is something I could tackle.

I watched/listened to Bethintx1 on YouTube to learn some basics. This tutorial was on making a granny square.

Uh, this is not exactly a good start to the granny square! More like a flat sombrero!
Now, that's better!!!

And I think it's complete! I was so proud!

It's definitely not perfect, but it took me 4 tries to get it like that.
The good news is that I have been working on it and learning some of the basic stitches and have been impressing myself. ;) More to come later...

Friday, August 12, 2011


A very happy birthday goes out to my Aunt Robin down in Cajun Country! These are the cards she ordered from me this week. Two Birthday and two Belated Birthday. I hope they get to her today.

(Long time friend, Crystal, is celebrating her birthday today too! I still remember her first birthday party like it happened yesterday... Happy Birthday!)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I've had the Hipstamatic camera app on my iPhone for awhile now. Our dog seems to be the subject of the majority of the photos we take, Hipstamatic or not...

Here is a series I'll call Liddy is my Muse:

Monday, August 8, 2011

Christmas in August

I did my first "blocks" creation last year in hopes of selling them before Christmas. They didn't sell at the craft show, but I liked them so much I decided to keep them for Erik and myself. Yay for holiday decor!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nursery Project

My best friend, Marisa, is having her first child (a little girl) within the next month! Yipee! This is the bedding she purchased for the guest bed in the nursery:
I used the flowers and dots as inspiration to create complimentary art for the nursery walls.

They now hang like this in the nursery:
(And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Miss Maris on this day, August 7!)

Friday, August 5, 2011

New Cards for Sale

Here's a sneak peak of what will be on the website early next week

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Grand Opening

Welcome to the Sharwell Studio Blog!

Now you'll be able to keep up with all the arts and crafts I'm working on. Stay tuned for some watercolor paintings, photography and even the process of me learning how to crochet!

For the Grand Opening of Sharwell Studio I am offering 15% off for the first 10 (count 'em 10) people who subscribe to the blog. In turn, I'll send you a coupon code for your first order!

Subscribe to the blog, visit the website and send me your e-mail address via the contact page. I'll send you a code via e-mail.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Website Launch

We are Proud to Present

Sharwell Studio now has a website and a blog!

I have been creating art for as long as I can remember... dabbling in crafts, photography and painting. When starting to create art *for real* I began with abstract acrylic paintings on canvas. I then challenged myself with oils, on a smaller scale. Recently I've learned some watercolor techniques, and may focus my time on that medium in the coming months.

The blog will help you keep track of my craftiness and the website will serve as a shop. You can buy existing art or order a custom piece.

Over the years I have been commissioned to make some custom pieces for friends and family. Here are a few examples:

Greek Isles, oil on canvas, 4x6" each

Southwest Triptych, acrylic on canvas 16x60"

Untitled abstract, acrylic on canvas, 36x48"

I have been selling my creations on since 2008 when my husband introduced me to the amazing artisan marketplace. Now it's time to supplement my shop on Etsy with my own *cyber* space. A big thanks to Kasey Harwell to his vision, design and execution of the site.

Bookmark it today! (and subscribe to the blog too!)