Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Button Monograms!!!

Here are the last of the monograms I've been busy creating!

Primary color P for a little boy

G for a little boy

I for a little girl

Monday, December 5, 2011

Back to Blogging

Seems I got away from posting my artwork over the last 2 months.  I have been working on learning crochet, making cards to sell at craft fairs and making button monograms!  It's been fun.  Here are 2 button monograms I completed for a little boy and a little girl, respectively:

Monday, October 3, 2011

I've been working on a big card order project.  These are a few I'm including in the pack:

 Ha, and here is how the magic happens!  What a mess!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


It has dropped into double digit temps here in Arizona... Time for us to break out the sweaters and scarves!  I have been teaching myself to crochet over the last couple of months.  I find it fun and interesting.  I've also found I don't care for acrylic yarn!  ;) 

This scarf is made from RECYCLED yarn.  It contains cotton, acrylic, linen, silk and nylon.  What a great worsted weight yarn.  So without further ado... my first scarf!

 The underside of the top layer has functional buttons which attach to the bottom layer.  This scarf is hands-free!
If you are interested in purchasing a scarf, contact me via my blog or website or etsy!  I will have it up for sale soon.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Buttons for Baby A

Just completed another project for brand new baby Alayna.  It will be presented to the family this weekend! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Name Blocks

I can't believe I haven't posted these masterpieces before now!  These are my name blocks.  Fully customized and personalized.  ;)  

The HOLLY blocks were meant to match the bedding in her room (you can see it in the photo).  Her blocks are painted & paper die-cuts and letters were modge podged.  

These blocks for CHRISTOPHER were meant to match his sports-themed bedding, as well.  His mother wanted them to be "as vintage as possible".   I painted them in solid colors and then hand-painted balls and stars with the bedding as a guide. 

For the vintage look I sanded the blocks and they remain unsealed.


These blocks went to my little second cousin, Anna.  Her nursery has white furniture with some bright accents.  Adorable owls adorn the sheets and her shelves.


You can order a set of your own blocks and have them say whatever you like: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, your child's name, your last name, Family, Love, Hope...

Ordering is simple on the website: www.sharwellstudio.com.  I look forward to making blocks for you!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Polar Bear

Ok!  Here is my first attempt at amigurumi (thank you, Marisa, for the term).  I purchased this pattern on Etsy (forevertandm).  The pics on the original look WAAAAY better than what I created. 

Two mistakes:
1) I used acrylic yarn and I think I should have used cotton
2) I should have used a larger hook

But it was pretty fun to try!  Maybe I'll make another someday.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sneak Peak

New cards will be available the website this week:Order them soon, before they're gone!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Train Has Left the Station

Up until May of this year I was painting wooden name trains. The train pieces are no longer available in my area, and I haven't been able to find them for sale online.

I sure loved painting them. Many color combos and many patterns.

Here are few of my many favorites:
For my sorority sister's little boy, Owen Patrick

This went to a lovely little lady in Alaska

One of my favorite color combos

Mason got a Packers themed train

Saturday, August 13, 2011


So, I bought these plastic crochet hooks on clearance for like $1.99 and this skein for like $2.95 to see if crochet is something I could tackle.

I watched/listened to Bethintx1 on YouTube to learn some basics. This tutorial was on making a granny square.

Uh, this is not exactly a good start to the granny square! More like a flat sombrero!
Now, that's better!!!

And I think it's complete! I was so proud!

It's definitely not perfect, but it took me 4 tries to get it like that.
The good news is that I have been working on it and learning some of the basic stitches and have been impressing myself. ;) More to come later...

Friday, August 12, 2011


A very happy birthday goes out to my Aunt Robin down in Cajun Country! These are the cards she ordered from me this week. Two Birthday and two Belated Birthday. I hope they get to her today.

(Long time friend, Crystal, is celebrating her birthday today too! I still remember her first birthday party like it happened yesterday... Happy Birthday!)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I've had the Hipstamatic camera app on my iPhone for awhile now. Our dog seems to be the subject of the majority of the photos we take, Hipstamatic or not...

Here is a series I'll call Liddy is my Muse: